
This digital library for Quality Management System documents offers several advantages for the University of the Philippines Manila and its internal operations. The following are compelling reasons that paved the effort for its development

  • Accessibility: A digital library makes QMS documents accessible from anywhere, at any time, to anyone with authorized access.
  • Centralization: A digital library for QMS documents centralizes all relevant documentation in one place. This makes it easier to organize, track, and manage QMS documents, ensuring that the latest versions are always available and that employees have access to the most up-to-date information.
  • Efficiency: Searching for QMS documents can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially if the documentation is spread across multiple locations. A digital library with a robust search function can significantly reduce the time and effort required to find the right documents. It can also streamline document distribution, with the ability to share documents with relevant stakeholders quickly and easily.
  • Security: A digital library for QMS documents can provide enhanced security. Digital documents can be encrypted and password-protected, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive information.


  • Centralize QMS documents: The primary objective of a digital QMS library is to centralize all relevant documents in one location. This objective ensures that all QMS documents are easily accessible and organized, reducing the risk of duplication, loss, or inconsistency.
  • Improve document management: The digital QMS library should provide a systematic approach to document management. This includes version control, document revision tracking, and the ability to archive outdated documents. The objective is to ensure that all documents are up-to-date, accurate, and relevant, minimizing the risk of non-compliance and improving the overall effectiveness of the QMS.
  • Enhance document searchability: A digital QMS library should be easy to search and navigate. The objective is to enable users to find the documents they need quickly and efficiently, without the need for extensive manual searches. This objective improves the efficiency of document retrieval, reduces the time spent searching for information, and helps ensure that employees have access to the most up-to-date information.
  • Increase accessibility: The digital QMS library should be accessible to all relevant stakeholders, including employees, auditors, and regulators.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance: The digital QMS library should ensure compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.


The implementation of a digital Quality Management System (QMS) library can provide many benefits to an organization, including improved efficiency, enhanced compliance, increased transparency, improved collaboration, and reduced risk.


This system is seasonally being updated. For any additional concerns or request for upgrade, you may email the QMS Libary development team []